Personal Training

There are times when we could all use a little one-on-one help!

Personal Training

If you’ve struggled to see results in the past, it’s time for a change. At Straight Blast Gym Calgary, we have access to personal trainers who can customize every aspect of your fitness journey, addressing the unique challenges and factors that impact your health. Combining Fitness Training, Nutrition, and Accountability ensures comprehensive and lasting results.

A Personalized Fitness Experience

There is no one-size-fits-all program that works for everyone. Each individual has unique needs, lifestyles, body types, responses to instruction, and fitness goals. That’s why our Personal Training program at Straight Blast Gym Calgary offers tailored coaching and a fully customized fitness journey.

How Personal Training at SBG Calgary Works

Building a Connection

We have partnered with Vishal Aheer of V.Raw.Aethestics to provide Personal Training services. The first step is meeting your coach and establishing a strong rapport. It’s important to have a personal trainer you believe in, someone who understands your needs and can effectively support your journey, rather than being randomly assigned.

Understanding Your Goals

You and your coach will discuss your aspirations, including your desired appearance, how you want to feel, and the time you can commit to training. This conversation ensures that your fitness plan aligns perfectly with your lifestyle and goals.

Initial Assessment

During your first visit, your personal trainer will guide you through a beginner-friendly workout to assess your strength, mobility, and cardiovascular endurance. This assessment allows them to create a program that sets realistic and achievable goals tailored specifically for you.

The SBG Calgary Advantage

Our approach goes beyond just workouts. We integrate fitness training with nutritional guidance and provide accountability to keep you on track.

Moreover, our amazing private fitness training facility offers the perfect environment for your workouts, providing you with the space and equipment you need to succeed.

In no time, you’ll be on the fast track to success, enjoying every minute of your personalized fitness journey at Straight Blast Gym Calgary.

Vishal Aheer

Vishal Aheer is a seasoned sports enthusiast who has been involved in competitive sports since childhood. With a strong foundation in community and provincial-level sports, Vishal has honed his skills and passion for competition. His educational journey has been tailored towards athletic development, leading him to specialize in sports-specific strength and conditioning. Over the past 12 years, Vishal has garnered extensive experience and knowledge, working closely with professional athletes. His expertise extends beyond the field, as he combines his practical experience with a solid educational background to tailor training programs that cater to the individual needs of each athlete.Athletes stand to benefit greatly from Vishal's guidance, as he offers personalized training programs that are designed to enhance performance and achieve optimal results. His commitment to excellence and passion for sports make him a valuable asset to any athlete looking to take their game to the next level.

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